9/11 Controlled Demolition important links

  • Compare video of real controlled demolitions - amazing, revealing
  • How were explosives set in WTC towers? video
    Links 9/11, old guard: 911Blogger.com - 911Truth.org -911Review.com - Visibility911.com - 911Research.WTC7.net
    New events: AE911Truth.org - World911Truth.org - Wacla.org- STJ911.org - JournalOf911Studies.com
  • The big divide, seminal event in 9/11 Truth Movement - Dr. Jones, Prof Harrit et al. - 9/11 Nanothermite Controlled Demolition Study of 2009 Paper. Original. The game is over. We need polygraph questioning.
  • Monday, August 24, 2009

    9/11 Rare Footage

    We All Fall Down - 9/11 Controlled Demolition. Prof Jones, Great Patriotic Leader of 9/11 scientific work. Public - wake up. To prevent another attack, if nothing else.

    World Trade Center towers fell too quickly on Sept. 11, 2001, to have only been hit by planes. To reach free-fall speed, Jones explained, the building’s floor supports would have needed to be blown apart.

    In other words, the carnage of 9/11 would have required another catalyst of destruction beyond hijacked planes—an explosive to cause the buildings to implode.

    We All Fall Down Page 1

    Sunday, August 23, 2009

    9/11 controlled demolition: WTC-2 vs. Demolition comparison

    9/11 is a Controlled demolition. Per common sense, per irrefutable scientific evidence.

    Friday, August 14, 2009

    Thursday, August 13, 2009

    US Congressman Ed Markey gets a copy of 9/11 Nano Thermite Scientific report

    9/11 Is a controlled demolition inside operation.

    Monday, August 3, 2009

    Top Ten Best National Parks You Don't Know About

    Top Ten Best National Parks You Don't Know About

    National Parks USA - http://NPS.gov

    9/11 WTC is a controlled demolition - per irrefutable scientific evidence - http://ae911Truth.org - http://wacla.org - http://911Blogger.com - http://911Truth.org